For more than 21 years we have been providing the very best comprehensive and fully managed IT services & support.
We can provide your small to medium sized company the ability to experience true Enterprise level technology capabilities without the need to carry the burden of hiring a large in-house IT staff. We have been highly successful in this area by adhering to the simple principals that make operating our business so much more important than just a job. We will always conduct ourselves and act with the highest level of integrity and we know that our clients are working hard to achieve their dreams, we have to work just as hard.
We can free up your time by managing your online and on premise technology usage. We will customize support plans specifically for your needs, all it takes to get started is for you to accept our invitation to provide you with a free consultation and evaluation of your current technology environments.
For HOA's we can provide fiber to your building with the very best streaming television service, no more satellite, no more dishes on your expensive roof and far better channel lineups! We can also provide Telephone service, an HOA website for owner communication, Video Security and a lot morethat will cost a lot less!
Let's discover if we can relieve all or some of your IT management and security burdens from your business and buildings!
Our office location is off Michigan avenue east of Highway 59.